Monday 31 March 2014

Material for solving MCQ of 27th March

Seeing such a low response from everyone and feedback from many of the reader here is a compilation of stuff which would be helpful in answering those questions.

Questions are here and news for that day which was used to frame questions here.

(News will be updated shortly as I was busy in the weekend).

Bar Council of India
  • a statutory body created by Parliament under the Advocates Act, 1961. 
  • regulates and represents the Indian bar. 
  • It prescribes standards of professional conduct, etiquettes and exercises disciplinary jurisdiction over the bar. 
  • It also sets standards for legal education and grants recognition to Universities whose degree in law will serve as a qualification for students to enroll themselves as advocates upon graduation
  • consists of members elected from each State Bar Council, and the Attorney General of India and the Solicitor General of India who are ex officio members. The members from the State Bar Councils are elected for a period of five years.
  • The Council elects its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman for a period of two years from amongst its members. Assisted by the various committees of the Council, the chairman acts as the chief executive and director of the Council.
  • The current Chairman is Manan Kumar Mishra.
  • group consisting of the finance ministers and central bank governors of seven advanced economies : Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States meeting to discuss primarily economic issues. 
  • The European Union is also represented within the G7. 
  • The G7 are the seven wealthiest major developed nations on Earth by national net wealth, representing more than 63% of the net global wealth ($241 trillions) according to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report October 2013.


name of a forum for the governments of a group of eight leading industrialised countries, that was originally formed by six leading industrialised countries and subsequently extended with two additional members.Russia, which was invited to join as the last member, was excluded from the forum by the other members on March 24, 2014 as a result of its invasion of Crimea in Ukraine. Thus the group now comprises seven nations and will continue to meet as the G7 group of nations.

National Cyber Security Policy-2013

by Department of Electronics and Information Technology. This Policy aims:
To protect cyberspace from cyber-threats.To protect private data of citizens and minimize damage from cyber-attacks.With help of government organizations + pvt.players.|:| Two Government organizations

National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC)
Indian Computer emergency response team (ICERT)
under National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO)
NTRO is a technical intelligence agency set up after the Kargil conflict.
Already exists under Department of Electronics and IT.
Nodal agency for critical information infrastructure protection in the country.
Nodal agency to coordinate all matters related to cyber security (except matters under NCIIPC.)
§  will protect Nation’s critical IT infrastructure in energy (natural gas, coal, oil and power), finance and banking, transportation (civil aviation and railways), space, law enforcement, security, telecom, defense, etc.
§  will work on 24/7 basis.
§  will design/acquire new processes for IT protection.
§  provide early warning and response to security threats
§  ICERT will function as an umbrella organization. Under this, sectoral will be created to work on 24/7 basis.
§  provide Emergency measures for handling cyber security incidents

|:| To businessmen/companies

Provide tax reliefs/Fiscal benefits to businessman if they adopt cyber-security practices.Encourage all public/private organizations, to have a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), responsible for cyber security.Encourage and mandate them to use certified IT products.certification for compliance to cyber securityClassify IT infrastructure based on risk perception so that adequate security protection measures can be under taken.

|:| To law enforcement agencies

Legislative reforms to help law-enforcement agencies in investigation and prosecution of cybercrime.International cooperation / collaboration with agencies of other countries.

|:| To E-governance

Ensure that all organizations keep a specific budget cyber security and emergency.Cyber crisis management plan for all e-Governance initiatives in the country, to reduce the risk of disruption.To engage Private IT experts/org. to assist e-Governance initiatives.
Source :

Malware, Virus, Worms, Trojan, spyware, rootkit explained

Malware is any malicious program or software that’s designed to exploit a computer user. Malware is basically an umbrella term covering computer viruses, worms, Trojan, spyware, rootkit etc. Some of ‘em attack the computer programs and files while others attack users confidential data. Let’s have a detailed look at their mode of operation.

What is a Virus
Just as a biological virus replicates itself in a human cell, a computer virus replicates itself  in computer memory when initiated by the user. Not only they replicate themselves but may also contain some malicious codes which can affect your files, your operating system or even your master boot records thereby making your computer start slow or not boot at all.

There are different types of viruses, some affect the system adversely and leave it completely unusable while some are just written to annoy the user. Disabling task manager or desktop wallpaper is one of the most common ways that virus creators employ to irritate users.

As a virus always needs a human action to initiate itself, in a computer most of them attach themselves to an executable .exe file because it knows eventually the user will double click on it to run it and that’s all it needs to infect the computer. Yes, unfortunately, most viruses are inadvertently initiated by the computer users themselves and hence it is important that when you install and run programs, you know beforehand that you got them from a trusted source.

What is a Worm

Practically a worm is an evolved form of a virus. Like virus, worms too replicate and spread themselves but it happens on a bit larger scale. Also, unlike virus, a worm does not need a human action to replicate and spread and that’s what makes it more dangerous.

A worm always seeks for network loopholes to replicate from computer to computer and thus most common way of intrusion are emails and IM attachments.  As the infection is network-based, a good firewall along with antivirus is necessary to control worm attack. Also, this means that blindly downloading email attachments or clicking the links friends share with you in a chat window isn’t recommended. Double-check before you do that.

What is a Trojan Horse

TrojanTrojan horse or simply Trojan is a bit interesting. Trojan horse is a program that appears useful by pretending to do certain things in foreground, but in reality they are working silently in background with the only objective of harming your computer and/or stealing valuable information.

Most common way to invite a Trojan horse to your computer is downloading malicious software like keys, cracks, free illegal music, wares etc from an unknown source. Thus the best way to stay away from Trojans is by making sure you install software from trusted sources.

What is a Spyware

Spywares are also malicious computer programs that can be installed on computers but unlike any of the above they don’t harm your computer in any way. Instead, they attack you!

Once installed on a system they run in background and keep on collecting user’s personal data. These data can include your credit card numbers, passwords, important files and many other personal stuff.

Spywares can track your keystrokes, scan and read your computer files, snoop IM chats and emails and God knows what else. Therefore again it’s always advisable to download and install software from trusted sources.

What is a Rootkit

Rootkits are computer programs that are designed by attackers to gain root or administrative access to your computer. Once an attacker gains admin privilege, it becomes a cakewalk for him to exploit your system.

Rare earth element
As defined by IUPAC, a rare earth element (REE) or rare earth metal is one of a set of seventeen chemical elements in the periodic table, specifically the fifteen lanthanides plus scandium and yttrium. Scandium and yttrium are considered rare earth elements because they tend to occur in the same ore deposits as the lanthanides and exhibit similar chemical properties.
Despite their name, rare earth elements (with the exception of the radioactive promethium) are relatively plentiful in the Earth's crust, with cerium being the 25th most abundant element at 68 parts per million (similar to copper). However, because of their geochemical properties, rare earth elements are typically dispersed and not often found concentrated as rare earth minerals in economically exploitable ore deposits. It was the very scarcity of these minerals (previously called "earths") that led to the term "rare earth". The first such mineral discovered was gadolinite, a compound of cerium, yttrium, iron, silicon and other elements. This mineral was extracted from a mine in the village of Ytterby in Sweden; several of the rare earth elements bear names derived from this location.

Rare earth mineral

A rare earth mineral is a mineral which contains one or more rare earth elements as major metal constituents. Rare earth minerals are usually found in association with alkaline to peralkaline igneous complexes, in pegmatites associated with alkaline magmas and in or associated with carbonatite intrusives. Perovskite mineral phases are common hosts to rare earth elements within the alkaline complexes. Mantle derived carbonate melts also are carriers of the rare earths. Hydrothermal deposits associated with alkaline magmatism contain a variety of rare earth minerals.

For info on dark matter click here

For info on Fracking click here

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